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Weight Loss Isn’t Just About Effort. It’s About Friction!

What makes a bullet go far? If you’re like most people, you’d say it was gunpowder. If this was your answer, you’d only be partially right. There are actually three key factors to how far a bullet will go: Yes, the amount of gunpowder you use is important. The aerodynamics of the bullet are incredibly important. A sniper bullet will go much further than a round pellet. The environment that… Read More »Weight Loss Isn’t Just About Effort. It’s About Friction!

sustaining your weight - scale balance

Sustainable Weight Loss: It’s Possible and Not a Myth

Sustaining your weight can feel impossible sometimes, and there are many articles that imply that. For example, in 2016, the New York Times tracked down former participants of The Biggest Loser, a reality television show where contestants are pitted against each other in a battle to lose the most amount of weight in an extremely short amount of time. They weighed the contestants from the 2009 season, and nearly all of… Read More »Sustainable Weight Loss: It’s Possible and Not a Myth

hard to lose weight the second time - scale

2 Reasons Why It’s Harder To Lose Weight The Second Time and How To Fix It

Sometimes people lose weight, but because they didn’t fix their feedback loop, they regain the weight. Often, they find that it’s more difficult to lose weight the second time around. There are a number of reasons for this. Many of them are related to the major factors that influence weight loss. This post discusses two major reasons we regain the weight that are often overlooked. In summary, our expectations go… Read More »2 Reasons Why It’s Harder To Lose Weight The Second Time and How To Fix It

Andrew’s Interview on Carrie Doll’s Inner Circle Podcast

I’m excited to share my hour-long interview on the Carrie Doll Inner Circle podcast! If you don’t know who Carrie is, she was a beloved news anchor for the CTV Edmonton 6 PM News for 12 years. She is now the host of the Inner Circle, a podcast that has hit #1 in Canada multiple times. This interview goes deep into my story and talks about: My experiences with being overweight as a kid and how it created… Read More »Andrew’s Interview on Carrie Doll’s Inner Circle Podcast

5 Guidelines on How to Reflect Effectively

Luuze’s philosophy is that you can lose weight using 3 steps: Track your progress (accurately) Get honest feedback about that progress Reflect on that feedback and make adjustments.  This post discusses the third step: reflection. It can often be the most difficult step! An Example of Great Reflection – Darla’s Journey If you haven’t yet read Darla’s success story, I highly recommend you do: it’s a great example of how… Read More »5 Guidelines on How to Reflect Effectively