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What Are All the Columns in the Log Screen?

The columns in the log screen.

What do all the numbers on the log screen mean? Here’s a summary.

Columns on the Log Screen

Trend Weight: A smoothed calculation that provides a more accurate measure of your weight. More details here.

Scale Weight: The value taken from your bathroom scale.

Rate (/week): An estimated rate of weight loss (or gain) per week. Based on your trend weight change over the past week.

Goal For Day: What your weight should be that day, assuming you wanted to achieve your goal weight at the goal date you stated, and lost weight at the goal rate that was set up at the beginning of your journey.

Difference from Goal: The difference between what your trend weight is and your goal for the day.

Difference in cal: The Difference from Goal, but converted into calories. This number gives you an estimate of how many calories you should cut (or how many excess calories you have banked) to be on track with your target.

Notes: The last column, a place where your notes from each daily measurement is displayed.

The next columns are related to body fat, and you’ll only see data in them if you track body fat percentage.

Warning: The Body Fat Measurement Scale Lies

If you thought the scale lies, well, body fat measurements from the scale lie even more. They’re known for being inaccurate, and many people have dismissed them as being a useful measure. So why does Luuze include data from them, if you’ve got the data? Well, just like how Luuze cuts the lies of the scale by calculating trend weight, Luuze does the same with body fat percentages. It (tries to) cut the lies of the body fat scale by calculating trend body fat percentage.

I’ve tried to design Luuze to be as simple as possible but also wanted to show additional data that could help people lose weight. Those with smart scales that store body fat percentages have access to additional data that can help them with further reflection, improving their ability to repair their feedback loop.

For me, I find the body fat percentages useful. One neat thing that happens when I eat a carbohydrate-heavy meal is that it makes me retain water. My scale weight will spike up compared to the previous measurement, but my body fat percentage on the scale will go down by like 1% sometimes (this is a lie, but at least it’s a lie in the other direction). For me, the number softened the blow of the high scale weight. If you find that the body fat data is useless, then don’t use it. If you find it provides insight, then use it! Luuze supports body fat and fat mass charting and logging.

Body Fat Related Columns on the Log Screen

Trend BF Percentage: A smoothed calculation that provides a more accurate measure of your body fat (more accurate than the body fat percentage value on your scale, anyways–it still might not be that accurate, but keep an eye on the trend over time).

Scale BF Percentage: The body fat percentage value taken from your body fat scale.

BF Rate (%/week): An estimated rate of body fat percentage loss (or gain) per week, based on your trend body fat percentage change over the past week.

Trend Body Fat Mass: How much your fat weighs, based on your total trend weight and your trend body fat percentage.

Scale Body Fat Mass: How much your fat weighs, based on your scale weight and your scale body fat percentage.

BF Mass Rate (lb or kg/week): An estimated rate of body fat mass loss (or gain) per week, based on your trend body fat percentage change over the past week.

Lean/Fat Loss Ratio: A ratio that estimates how much lean mass you are losing or gaining, and compares it to how much fat mass you are losing or gaining.

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